Eating Apple every day will improve your health know how???

What will happen to your body when you will eat an apple daily?

What makes apples so great as one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world. Apples are continuously been praised as a miracle food.

An apple is a pomaceous fruit, known as the king of fruits because of its beautifulness and lot of benefits.
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     Apple should be an eaten on an empty stomach, Starting your day with an apple helps you detoxify your system. Supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

An apple a day helps to get healthier teeth.
Stimulate more saliva production in the mouth as well as reduce the tooth decay by decreasing bacteria level on teeth and gums.

It Removes dryness from the body
It removes heat and dryness from the body. If it is eaten on empty stomach and milk is drunk after this for a couple of months. It improves complexion and makes the cheeks reddish.

                   Apple prevent Kidney StonesApple contains a great amount of Galactose which detoxifies our bodies and eating a couple of apples in the morning helps us to prevent getting a kidney stone.

In the morning, before you fill your belly with food consuming an apple can restore the sugar you lose. Therefore, it is good to eat a couple of apples on an empty stomach early in the morning.


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